Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Piecing it together

The first step towards making a quilt has been made - I bought a bunch of fabric.I wanted to put together a mix of pinks, light browns (kind of carmel) and peach (These photos make everything seem kinda yellow, sorry), and I'm quite pleased with the results. What do you think?

I guess, if you want to be technical, the first step was finding a pattern, which I did about a week ago in a quilting book from the library.The thing that won it for this design was the doability of it. I can do straight lines and squares. SWEET! Obviously, I chose less garish colors, but I hope it will turn out well.

Now I just need to find a rotary cutter and mat - anyone have suggestions?


brittney perry said...

this is the only quilt I have ever wanted to make: http://www.flickr.com/photos/cloudberryterrier/3455276396/in/set-72157604052863961/

Teresa Gashler said...

Cute quilt and cute colors! I highly recommend the green Olfa mats - they last so long. I am a fan of quilting, so be sure to show the finished product :)