Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Two jack-o-lanterns, one hollowed-out pumpkin with a cap, and a baby pumpkin

Apparently Indiana grows tough pumpkins. Carving these was DIFFICULT. And I didn't even carve a whole pumpkin. Mine was the one that never got carved, only hollowed out, because I couldn't deal with the pain and agony and time-commitment of cutting a face on it. Actually, I wasn't even going to make a face. My pumpkin had a kind of divet around it's middle, like a snowman or something, so it was going to be something cool that I have forgotten at the moment. But my arm was sore the next day, even after just cutting off the lid. Yes, I'm a weakling, but both Mom and Adam agreed that these pumpkins were just plain hard. Adam, as you can see, kept with the theme of this year's Halloween and made a very scary pirate pumpkin (didn't you know that we dressed up as pirates for Halloween? There might be pictures of all 3 of us over at Lydia's blog. Or it could be scheduled for next week. We'll see) that cracked after it stormed overnight.

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And Mom made a cyclops. Cool, eh?

Seriously, check out Lydia's blog. And tell me what your favorite picture of her is (not restricted to recent posts), because I need validation, guys. Even if it comes in the form of praising the cuteness of my daughter.

So, Thanksgiving is coming up, right? What are your plans? And this isn't just a ploy to get you to comment. Adam and I aren't used to this Thanksgiving-on-our-own thing, and we need some stellar ideas. STELLAR. Or just plain ideas. Those work too.


Rachel said...

I would just make your favorite dishes and call it good. :)

Kate said...

I would agree. Make yummy food and invite people over...maybe not for the whole meal but maybe for dessert or something like that. Food and chatting is all you need. :)
I'm going home. I like to go home and be the kid again. It will be nice.
Have a lovely thanksgiving.