Friday, August 27, 2010

I should never go to Target - or anywhere that they sell baby clothes for that matter

We went to Target the other night for a few essentials for the new house and I got lost in the baby clothes section - cute baby dress after cute baby dress screamed at me that Lydia would look amazing in it (and only $8!). These are only a few of the adorable "must-haves" that I valiantly kept myself from purchasing. Aren't they adorable? Especially that turquoise/blue/white polka-dotted dress in the upper left. I die. Therefore, I should not walk into stores that carry baby clothes. Everytime I walk away from an adorable baby outfit a part of my soul stays behind with it.

Target baby clothes I want
Target baby clothes I want by wallofbonbons on

Which one is your favorite?


Anne Burnett said...

You must have more self-control than I do, Bonnie. I generally leave Target with my soul intact, and the darling clothes in the bag. :)

Coryn said...

All of those baby outfits are so cute!!