Friday, November 7, 2008

Love of Reading

I happen to love essays. Not essays I write, or essays for class, but essays that incredibly gifted writers infuse with their wit, sarcasm, and insight. Collections of essays are particularly nice. For example: Virginia Woolf's The London Scene: Six Essays on London Life, or Ex Libris: Confessions of a Common Reader by Anne Fadiman. Once, when hanging out at my in-laws house, my husband suggested I read a bit from Gone to New York: Adventures in the City, and I quite enjoyed it. Today, the author visited BYU. Unfortunately, I slept in and missed most of the reading, but caught the end (the Complaints and Lamentations part). So funny. I suspect it would be more funny if I were actually a parent. Anyway, I'm going to have to keep my eye on the authors the English department invites for readings, because that's cool.


brittney perry said...

I take this class every semester. they really do have some fanastic readings. but this one will be logged forever in my brain as one of my favorites... shame I didn't see you there.

Unknown said...

he is seriously hilarious, isn't he?

i told my husband i want our christmas card to sound like him.
and she's funny too.