Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I am an awesome wife

So...been awol for a bit. Nothing particularly unusual, so I'm assuming none of you are too concerned. Adam had some big Opera stuff going on and we had the Walton's over, and now it's just life these days.

When Adam gets home from performing an Opera, he is always STARVING. Apparently singing takes a lot of energy. The adrenaline kicks in and when he gets out (around 11pm), he mostly just wants a burger. We are trying to save money and eat healthier, so for his most recent Opera (Gianni Schicchi), I made our own drive-thru in our kitchen. Burgers and brownies in the middle of the night really hit the spot.

Mostly this is just a post to let you know that there is a new video link on Lydia's blog, and that I have some more posts scheduled for her blog every couple days for the next week or so, so keep checking back. Seriously, you can see her walking - it's ridiculously cute and quite reminiscent of a drunken sailor.
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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Iced In

We had heard that there was going to be a huge storm, but weren't particularly worried. How bad could it be, right?

Late Monday evening, lying in bed, Adam and I heard the rain start. The next day our whole world was neatly encased in a quarter-inch layer of ice. That didn't melt. These pictures were taken in the early afternoon and the icicles on every branch looked the same as they had when I peeked through the blinds to survey the damage on Tuesday morning. Apparently the Midwest knows how to do winter.
Of course, IU closes for NOTHING(!) so Adam still had school that morning, but apparently hell froze over because the university actually cancelled classes on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning. We had a couple nice snow days. Today I finally felt like I could leave home and it felt freeing, to say the least.

Tomorrow is Adam's big Opening Night (Yes, those capital letters are Necessary). He's singing the role of Simone in Puccini's Gianni Schicchi. It's his first role at IU and I'm abnormally excited about it - as if this were La Scala or something. I know he'll be great. Even when he just sings around the house I can tell that he has gotten so much better since we moved here (And he was already really good!). So...big night for Adam. I'm going to cook a favorite meal of his for dinner so he starts the evening out with the right foot forward. I'm thinking of even making an "Opening Night Cake" which sounds like a pretty good tradition to start. If you get the chance during the day, give Adam a call and tell him good luck or break a leg or something. He'll pretend to hate it, but secretly he's a big softie.
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